Friday, April 5, 2013


This is the latest updated Papago M9 for Android (March 2013).

Install instructions:
1. Download NaviSEA file and extract:

2. Download the map from MFM

3. Copy (NaviSEA) folder to your device internal or external storage (for android version GingerBread 2.1/2.2/2.3) OR Copy (NaviSEA) folder to your External SDCard (for Android version ICS 4.0.3)
4. Install (Navitotal! M9SEA.apk) from inside NaviSEA folder by using file-explorer/My files/Root Explorer or other!
5. Done!

For Samsung Galaxy S3 user:
Problem with resolution (1280x720), download this file:

#Note : This will fix landscape Full Screen

1. Open folder NaviSEA/Organic
2. Rename folder 1280x752 kepada 1280x720.
3. open folder NaviSEA/Organic/EN
4. Rename folder 1280x752 kepada 1280x720.
5. done.

#Note : This will fix potrait Full screen

1. open folder NaviSEA/Organic
2. Rename folder 800x1280 kepada 720x1280.
3. open folder NaviSEA/Organic/EN
4. Rename folder 800x1280 kepada 720x1280.
5. done.

#Note2 : Both full screen landskape & potrait is not perfect , but better ;)

1 comment:

  1. DO you have the organic file for HTC One that is of 1920x1080 resolution?
